We have discovered a new fun card game by Mattel called UNO Flip. We purchased one game and stashed it in our luggage on a family trip to San Francisco in October 2022. We spent an entire day sightseeing in the rain so decided it was a perfect night to stay indoors and try out the new game. There were four of us playing ages ranging from 26-79. We were quickly hooked! What we liked about the game is that it is not your typical UNO game because with the placement of one particular card you turn the whole deck over and everything changes. The wild cards become more intense and so does the competition. We really like how quickly the 79 year old caught on and could keep up with the fun. We have since purchased it for all our staff as Christmas gifts and many other family members. We like how easy it is to take along in your purse or luggage. We also like that it is great for such a wide variety of ages beginning at about age 8. You will want to pick up your own pack of UNO Flip! We know you will love it too.